Algorithmic Knowledge Production. Principles, Problems, Prospects

Harald Atmanspacher, David Gugerli

Interdisciplinary Zoom Conference
(October 8 and 9, 2020)


Harald Atmanspacher, Introduction (
Session 1 (
Renato Renner, Knowledge Production by Quantum Computers (
Session 2 (
Florent Thouvenin, Algorithmic Decision-Making: A need for Regulatory Intervention? (
Markus Gabriel, Intelligence and Understanding – Limits of Artificial Intelligence (
Session 3 (
Josef Teichmann, Machine Learning in Finance – AI or Just Another Numerical Tool? (
Joachim M. Buhmann, Robust Algorithmics – A Foundation for (Life) Science?! (
Session 4 (
Liesbeth De Mol, What’s in a Word? Historical Perspectives on “Program”, “Code” and “Algorithm” (
David Gugerli, Conclusion (

Harald Atmanspacher (Collegium Helveticum)
Joachim Buhmann (ETH Zurich, Fellow at Collegium Helveticum)
Liesbeth De Mol (Université de Lille)
Markus Gabriel (Universität Bonn)
David Gugerli (ETH Zurich, Fellow at Collegium Helveticum)
Renato Renner (ETH Zurich)
Florent Thouvenin (University of Zurich, Fellow at Collegium Helveticum)
Josef Teichmann (ETH Zurich)

The conference is part of the topic "Digital Societies" of the fellow period 2016–2020 at Collegium Helveticum

Postproduction Videostream: Martin Schmid, Collegium Helveticum