Moritz Mähr

Moritz Mähr


Current Projects


From 2018 to 2022, Moritz Mähr worked at the Chair of the History of Technology at ETH Zurich as a research assistant. Since 2021, he has also worked as project manager for Stadt.Geschichte.Basel at the University of Basel. From 2018 to 2020, Moritz Mähr worked at the Collegium Helveticum in the Fellow Project "Autonomies in the Digital Society" of Prof. David Gugerli. His research focuses on the history of technology, in particular the interactions between computers and administration. He is a member of the transdisciplinary PhD program Migration and Postcoloniality Meet Switzerland at the University of Fribourg.

Born in St. Gallen in 1987, he studied Banking & Finance (BA UZH, 2011), Philosophy & History of Knowledge (MA ETH, 2014) and Computer Science in Zurich and Berlin and worked as CTO and project manager in the private sector.

CV and complete list of publications

Publications (Selection)

  • Moritz Mähr: The promise of an automated migration policy. On planning an information system in the Swiss federal administration in the 1960s. In: Paolo Bory, Daniela F. Zetti (Hg.): Digital Federalism Information, Institutions, Infrastructures (1950–2000). Basel: Schwabe 2022, 60 – 89.
  • Lucas Federer, Moritz Mähr: Bewegte Quellen festhalten. Wie wird in Zukunft auf digital verfügbare audiovisuelle Quellen verwiesen?. In: Traverse 27 (3) 2020, 159 – 166.
  • Kijan Espahangizi, Moritz Mähr: The Making of a Swiss Migration Regime: Electronic Data Infrastructures and Statistics in the Federal Administration, 1960s–1990s. In: Journal of Migration History 6 (3) 2020, 379 – 404.
  • Moritz Mähr, Kijan Espahangizi: Computing Aliens. From Central Control to Migration Scenarios, 1960s-1980s. In: Monika Dommann, Hannes Rickli, Max Stadler (Hg.): Data Centers. Edges of a Wired Nation.. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers 2020, 226 – 241.
  • Moritz Mähr: CTRL + F. Eine Suchmaschine für die Quellenarbeit bauen. In: Etü 2020 (2) 2020, 88 – 91.
  • Moritz Mähr: Working with batches of PDF files. In: The Programming Historian 9 2020.
  • Moritz Mähr: Blaupause einer flexiblen Lebensform. In: Trans 2012 (21) 2012, 88 – 91.

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